viernes, 4 de junio de 2010`s web page


JUST want to say im making a web page its gonna have every thing of exregco in it.its still in the making by i will publish it in blogger wen its rediy.

p.s in the web page its all drwan by me
and piks of google boss

Ray William Jonsen

Hi. i was on youtube and i fonde a some funny videos made by RWJ he basicley dose like a series saying and telling us his opinion of the video. like an exampel bugsbunny he sead it was balls bunny!!

He pust new videos on youtube every monday and thursday!

cheack his videos out. hears the link,

BY: the boss.

Fred the funnyest guy in youtube!

Hi i was on youtube and i found a guy named fred.
fred is basicley a guy who seas stuf in a hi piched voce. and he does all of the vocese like his mum. she sownds like a man ( not in real life just in his videos. im not insulting hid mum. and another one like the girl he ha sa crush on she sownds funny.

if you are interested in fred and want to see his vids go and click this link!! well copy it!!

Go on ?¿what are you wating for?¿

BY: the boss of